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How to upload my takes to the cloud? (Send from Mobile App to Web and vice versa)
How to upload my takes to the cloud? (Send from Mobile App to Web and vice versa)

Upload your videos to the cloud to save space on your phone as well as take advantage of using BIGVU in different platforms.

Sarah Stanfield avatar
Written by Sarah Stanfield
Updated over a week ago

BIGVU is both a web and mobile app (you can access both using the same email and password):

For all users, a Script written on the web app will automatically save to the mobile app, and a script saved in the mobile app will also automatically save to the web app.

👥 Who can access this feature? Available to Only Subscribers users💎 can upload any take in order to replace green screen, add Captions or Style his Video. Or also send his project from Mobile App to Web App and vice versa.

📶 Which devices support this feature? Use any device: any browser of BIGVU desk and iOS and Android.

I/ Upload a take from your Mobile App to the cloud (find it on your Web App!)

1. Open the relevant video project.

You can see easily if your take is local or already uploaded by checking on the top right of the Thumbnail of your video, if there is a "cloud icon" the take is uploaded and if there isn't the take is local.

2. Select your local take. On the top right of the Video screen, you can click ob the 3-dots menu, here you can select: "Upload to web app" to upload your take on the BIGVU Cloud.

Note: If you click in Magic Style you will be able to style your video and this process will also upload your video automatically.

II/ Upload a take from your Web App to the cloud (find it on your Mobile App!)

1) Upload just after recording

After recording your video with the Teleprompter, a dialog box showing a preview of the video will open.

From here, you have the option to upload and save the video to your project.

  1. Upload to Project

    • Your video will be saved and available on both the web platform and mobile App

  2. Download .webm | Download .mp4

    • Directly save your video to your device with your preferred file format

  3. Record Again

    • You also have the option to Record Again. Your previous video will be saved as a take in the project file.

❗Note: It is advisable to upload a video before downloading it in mp4 because downloading directly from a local take can be very long and requires a stable internet connection.

2) Upload your video from the Project Screen

If you didn't uploaded your video directly after recording from the web App, you can still upload your video to the cloud

Script Project in the Project screen

This is the original folder of your project where the unedited takes are located. It has a scroll symbol, indicating it's a script project.

Edit a Script Project to upload or style the video

Click on the 3 dots and select Edit

Then When you are in the Take screen, click on the 3-dots buttons under your take

A popup appears, you just need to Upload your take to find it in all your platforms

Upload to the Cloud failed

Uploading to the cloud takes a few minutes and should be done when using wifi.

If upload to cloud failed, check the following:

  1. Make sure that you are connected to a stable and strong WiFi connection. Slow connections or mobile connections might timeout.
    Please note: check your WiFi connection - upload speed (speed test)

  2. Make sure that there is enough memory space on your phone. To see that enter your phone's settings and memory, make sure that there is empty memory space.

  3. Make sure that your phone's time and date is set to automatic.

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