Articles on: Video Editing and Styling

AI Music Generator (Mobile)

Looking for the perfect music to match the mood of your video?

The BIGVU AI Music Generator uses smart AI technology to save time and give you a unique sound that matches your brand.

Simply choose up to three feelings, and generate a custom soundtrack for your video.

👥 Who can access this feature? AI Pro and Max Plans only
📶 Which devices support this feature? Available on the web platform and mobile app

Follow the steps below to get started:

Go to your Projects Page
Click on the AI Music button

Choose your Style

Select up to 3 attributes that fits your style and branding | You can only choose up to 3 attributes and our AI will suggest combinations of feelings that work well together. Avoid mixing feelings that are contradictory, like "Acoustic" and "Electronic"

After selecting, tap Generate with AI

Generate Music

Once your music is generated, you can press the play button to preview the music track

Click the Bad button and you can generate it again up to 3 times
Click the Good button if your satisfied with the result

If you press "Bad", you can generate it again up to 3 times

AI Music Title and Thumbnail

Your AI Music will be generated an automated title and thumbnail. You can:
Regenerate the title and thumbnail to your liking or;
Manually enter the title of your AI Music
Once done, you can now press the Save button

After saving your Music Data, your music track will be available to choose when adding your Background Music
Tap Continue to finish the process

What's Next?

Edit your video and use your own, unique AI Music!

Questions? Send us a message!

Updated on: 11/12/2024

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