AI Script Checker
Maine avatar
Written by Maine
Updated over a week ago

AI Script Checker is designed to help you analyze your script and ensure you have included all the important elements for successful video content. In this article, we will walk you through the features and benefits of using the AI Script Checker.

👥 Who can access this feature? Available to all users. The number of scripts you can analyze depends on the type of plan you are on.

📶 Which devices support this feature? Available on the web platform only

Open your Script

  • Create a (1) New Script or

  • Open your existing project by (2) clicking the pen icon

AI Script Checker

  • Once your script is ready, on the left side, click on (1) AI Script Checker

  • It will then load and start to analyze your script

  • the AI Checker will identify 6 important parts (2) from your script

  • Detected (3) paragraphs/sentences will be displayed per parts

  • AI Checker will also identify any missing part of your script and let you (4) Generate a script to fill in the missing content

Generate a Script

  • After generating the recommended script, you can decide if you want to:

  • Dismiss the suggested script (5) if you don't like adding it

  • Re-generate (6) if you want to look for a different suggestion

  • Once you like the result, you can (7) copy and paste it into your script area

What's next?

When you are satisfied with the script:

  • Read & Record: Read your script from the teleprompter while recording (1)

  • Read Only: Practice reading your script from the teleprompter without recording (2)

    👀 Your microphone and camera will be off while you practice reading your script

  • Live Stream: Read from the teleprompter while broadcasting live on social media (3)

  • Save: Go change out of your pajamas and record your script when ready! (4)

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