Articles on: Collaborate with Your Team or Guests

Removing Team Members

If you need to limit a member's access to a workspace, you might want to remove their access. While this might sound similar to deleting a member from an organization, the two are two different actions. Here is everything you need to know about removing a member's access to a workspace.

👀 Removing a member's access to a workspace, as the name suggests, only affects the member's access to the specific workspace. Once their access is removed, they will no longer be able to view, edit, or contribute to the workspace content. However, they will remain a member of the overall organization and will have access to any other workspaces they may be a part of.
⚠️ On the other hand, when deleting a member from the organization, the member is completely removed from the organization and will no longer have access to any workspaces or organization content. This action cannot be undone, and it is recommended that you only delete a member if you are certain they no longer need any access to the organization's content.

🚨 Note: You will NOT be able to remove a member from a Workspace if this user is only invited to one Workspace, You need to add another workspace to this user or delete him from your organization.

Remove a User from a Workspace

Access to workspaces depends on the role of the member:

Team Owner or Admin is by default invited to all Workspaces

Editors and Contributors have access only to the Workspaces to which they were invited

🤓 For more details about different roles, please read this article: What are the different role permissions in BIGVU Teams?

To remove a member from a Workspace, please follow these steps:

(1) Go to the "Add Member" button on the left side to access the team settings screens
Here you will see all members invited to this workspace. Find the user you want to remove by (2) Clicking the 3-dot menu on the far right side and selecting Remove from Workspace (3)

a popup will appear asking you to (4) which workspace you'd like to remove the user from, click the dropdown button to select

(5) click on Remove to complete the process and the member will be removed from this workspace

Delete a User from your Organization

To Delete a User from your Organization, you will need to enter the Team Settings
Deleting a user from your Organization will remove their access to all Workspaces they have been invited to and add an available seat to your Team.

In the Add Member Screen (1)
Click (2) the 3-dot menu on the far right side and select Delete Team Member (3)

In the same menu, you can also "Copy Email" of the associated user or "Transfer Ownership" if you need to

A popup will open telling you that you are deleting the user from your Organization
You can tick the box if you want to transfer the contents and projects of the said user to the owner of the organization
You have the choice to (4) Delete Team Member created by this user or to Transfer the ownership of his projects to you so that you do not lose them. You will be asked to (6) confirm the email address of the user you want to delete for added security

Questions? Contact us!

Updated on: 26/09/2024

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